Building Pintos

There is one Makefile under each lab directory (threads/, userprog/, vm/, filesys/). When you are working on a specific lab, you should build Pintos under its corresponding directory.

  • Lab0 will use the same directory as Lab1, i.e., threads/.

If you take a look at the content of these Makefiles, you may be surprised that they are all the same! So what's the difference when you run make under different lab directories? (hint: Make.vars)

Now let's build the kernel from the source code supplied for Lab0.

If you set up your environment using docker, we assume that you are always in the container environment mounted with the Pintos directory from now on.

  1. First, cd into the threads/ directory.

  2. Then, issue the make command. This will create a build directory under threads/, populate it with a Makefile and a few subdirectories, and then build the kernel inside. The entire build should take less than 30 seconds.

  3. This is the end of building.

After building, the followings are the interesting files in the build/ directory:

  • "Makefile"

    • A copy of pintos/src/ It describes how to build the kernel.

  • "kernel.o"

    • Object file for the entire kernel. This is the result of linking object files compiled from each individual kernel source file into a single object file. It contains debug information, so you can run GDB or backtrace (see section Debugging) on it.

  • "kernel.bin"

    • Memory image of the kernel, that is, the exact bytes loaded into memory to run the Pintos kernel. This is just kernel.o with debug information stripped out, which saves a lot of space, which in turn keeps the kernel from bumping up against the 512 kB size limit imposed by the kernel loader's design.

  • "loader.bin"

    • Memory image for the kernel loader, a small chunk of code written in assembly language that reads the kernel from disk into memory and starts it up. It is exactly 512 bytes long, a size fixed by the PC BIOS.

Subdirectories of build contain object files (.o) and dependency files (.d), both produced by the compiler. The dependency files tell make which source files need to be recompiled when other source or header files are changed.

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